Tag: pastels

01 Aug

Ten Years After

We recently threw a party to mark our tenth wedding anniversary. Friends from many parts of our lives – former consulting clients and law partners, neighbors past and present, people with whom I’d painted, practiced Pilates, or served on nonprofit boards – celebrated with us. It reminded me how very lucky we are, and how grateful. […]

18 Jun

Safety Vs. Comfort

Hartford neighbors have a social media site dedicated to all things positive about downtown, where I’ve lived for decades. Recently someone posted an article pointing out that when people say Hartford isn’t safe, they usually aren’t citing crime statistics. Often they are simply reacting to sensational news stories or, more likely, confusing safety with comfort. […]

08 May

Finding Inspiration

Usually a trip to another country is required to refill my creative well, inspiring me to capture the energy and scenery of a new place that I can share in paintings. Sometimes, though, inspiration is closer to home, in sunsets over the water near my studio. And once in a while I need reminding about […]

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