Tag: painting

27 Jul

Making It Visible

Art does not reproduce the visible, it makes visible. When my husband and I were dating, he gave me that quote from artist Paul Klee to hang on my wall because I am adamant about not trying to copy from my photographs when I paint. The fact is that our eyes can discern much more color […]

05 Apr

Creation vs. Destruction

Witnessing the recent bizarre attack on a multimillion dollar Gainsborough painting in London's National Gallery has haunted my thoughts. You may have missed the story, as it was overshadowed a few days later by the terrorist attack down the street, near Parliament. My first inkling was the shouting, though my husband insists he heard a slashing sound. […]

08 Feb

The Fidget Factor

Painting is surprisingly hard work, much as I love it. Of course, I am standing the whole time – I simply can't paint while sitting. And I'm waving my arms around the easel and my pastel box, trying to decide which colors to pick up next. Then I'll choose a color, apply it, stand back […]

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