Tag: creativity

18 Oct

Expressionistic Colorscapes

People often ask what style my paintings are and I sometimes stumble to explain. Expressionistic colorscapes is the phrase I've coined, but it usually requires clarification. In a nutshell, I try to show how a particular experience or place felt, versus simply showing what my camera saw. Expressionism ls a style of art, like Impressionism or Realism. Impressionism uses […]

11 May

Inspiration and Invention

It seems I paint the way I cook, decorate and garden, which makes sense in that they are all creative endeavors. To my mind, they all require imagination, which sometimes works and is sometimes less successful, but you learn from it. While you can do those activities without creativity – follow a recipe exactly, plant what somebody […]

05 Apr

Creation vs. Destruction

Witnessing the recent bizarre attack on a multimillion dollar Gainsborough painting in London's National Gallery has haunted my thoughts. You may have missed the story, as it was overshadowed a few days later by the terrorist attack down the street, near Parliament. My first inkling was the shouting, though my husband insists he heard a slashing sound. […]

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