Tag: Beth Pite

09 Feb

Dystopia vs. New York

Frighteningly enough, the name that keeps coming to mind for me lately is Margaret Atwood. Her Handmaiden’s Tale and similar novels about not-to-distant, very scary futures have been running through my head, try as I might to ignore our dysfunctional and divisive politics. The notion that behavior for which we’d send a five-year-old to his […]

19 Nov

A Distracting Getaway

The tumultuous atmosphere around the U.S. election made me decide a getaway was needed to save my sanity, and the more distracting the better. Luckily, there are safe, easy places to travel where I can’t speak or read the language, saving me from constant “breaking news” that merely adds stress. Since romance languages are familiar […]

18 Sep

Summer Vacation?

Remember school days when you’d be asked how you spent your summer vacation? Well, here’s the Cliff Notes version of how I spent my summer, by way of explaining the long delay between blog posts.  Happy hours on the deck overlooking the water and laughing at the shenanigans at the boat launch. Hosting book groups, […]

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