Tag: artist

14 Jun

Exhibit Adrenalin

Preparing for the opening reception of an art exhibit requires basic project management skills. You have to consider lead times for production (postcard invitations, flyers and ads, the actual paintings), logistics (photographing, framing and schlepping the art) and supplies (labels, picture hooks or putty, brochures, cocktail napkins.)  You have to address human resources (help with hors d'oeuvres, bar-tending, […]

11 May

Inspiration and Invention

It seems I paint the way I cook, decorate and garden, which makes sense in that they are all creative endeavors. To my mind, they all require imagination, which sometimes works and is sometimes less successful, but you learn from it. While you can do those activities without creativity – follow a recipe exactly, plant what somebody […]

28 Feb

Pushing the Envelope

Playing with pure pigment is, for me, the best part of pastel painting. It's me and a soft stick of vibrant color, no brush or turpentine to interfere. Pastel sticks allow me to work in broad strokes, avoiding too much realistic detail. Instead, I show how it felt to be there. I'm not a camera, I'm […]

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