Tag: artist

30 Oct

Giving And Getting

We’ve all heard the old saying “it’s better to give than to receive.” Most of us didn’t buy that as kids, and some folks never quite outgrow it. LOL  While I certainly enjoy well-chosen gifts that demonstrate someone cares enough to know my tastes, I don’t need more stuff and would mostly rather give. Recently […]

14 Oct

Catch 22

For those who remember the book, Catch 22 is a self-explanatory term for any situation that is basically an endless loop. These days, it’s frequently encountered when trying to deal with technology (which is why you haven’t seen a blog post in a while) and automated systems. I’ve found that painting, mystery novels, or chocolate […]

12 Aug

Books, Boats and Bonding

Some of you may remember a popular book from several years back entitled Bowling Alone. It described the negative impact on society created by suburbs, automobiles and shopping malls, to the detriment of happy, random encounters with neighbors, or relationships with shop owners. The book also cited fewer people joining service clubs, leading to less […]

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