Category: Travel

28 Feb

Deadlines Work Wonders

For two months, I’d been thinking about a painting of Mont St. Michel. Our visit there last fall was inspiring. And funny, and challenging, but that comes later. First came the monumental presence out in the bay, the threatening skies, the deceptive marshes surrounding and protecting it from those foolish enough to attempt the crossing. […]

13 Feb

Rude, Ignorant Time?

That doesn’t refer to current events, though it certainly could. It is a quote from an artist named Nicolas Roerich. He believed cultural heritage is a world treasure comprised of buildings, art, universities, libraries, concert halls and theaters.  He said they must all be “protected from the ravages of war and neglect, for without them […]

11 Dec

Unexpected Pleasures

When we stop and think, we know this season is really about being grateful. Never mind manufactured celebrations like Black Friday. This is a time to gather with people who matter to us, appreciate what we have, and give to those in need. OK, and it’s also about eating too much. LOL There is much […]

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